Quick Tip – Add Sync Now Button To The Toolbar

The majority of our users are remote database users, or sync users. For those that don’t know, a sync user has ACT! installed on their computer, with a remote database and they synchronize changes to and from the main database. For any ACT! user, the fewer clicks to accomplish a task the better. Adding the sync and refresh buttons to the Toolbar eliminate clicking through menus completely, and give you single click access.

To add the buttons: Read more

Sage ACT!2011 HotFix 1

Sage Software recently released ACT! 2011 SP1 Hot Fix 1. There are several defect fixes included in the Hot Fix. To improve your ACT! experience, the TrilogyCRM Support Team will update the ACT! 2011 hosting servers this coming weekend, January 23, 2011. Read more

Error: The Database could not be accessed.

You attempt to open Sage ACT! and receive an error message stating that the database could not be accessed.

Periodically, Microsoft along with other AntiVirus Vendors will update their programs and for some reason these updates stop the SQL Server which is required for ACT! to function.

Luckily there is a pretty easy fix.  Follow these steps. Read more