How do I get support for my installed software?

Many support requests can easily be answered with a quick e-mail or a How-to document. You can submit requests to TrilogyCRM via e-mail or our support ticketing system. If the support issue is more complex, it may require billable support time. Each ACT! software purchase includes 30 days free ACT! Tech support from the date of registration. You can reach ACT! Tech Support by phone (1-800-927-3989) with your Customer Number, which is provided with your ACT! serial numbers.

What do my Hosting Fees include?

Your monthly Hosting fees cover keeping the database online and available for Web or Sync access. It also includes daily backup, routine database maintenance and the application of service packs and Hot Fixes within your current software version.

What would a billable support item be?

If the problem is an application issue, or an issue on the end-user’s side of things, that is outside of your Hosting fees and would require billable support. We would require approval of billable support. A simple e-mail from the Account Primary Contact is all we need. We provide support via remote support session, ensuring you receive quick, reliable help when you need it.

Where is my data?

Your data is hosted on Trilogy owned, not leased servers. Our Class IV Data Center is in Columbus, Ohio. Our servers have backup UPSs, a Leibert Uninterruptible Power Supply, backed up by a 200 hour diesel generator, which would ensure over 7 days of uninterrupted power. The facility is monitored 24/7, accessible only by security clearance, photo ID badge and key card.

What if I have changes?

General changes to the database are expected. User modifications, simple drop down modifications or a field name change are typically covered in your Hosting fees. Depending on the complexity of the change request, your request may be billable. Prior to making any billable changes, an estimate of the time required will be provided. We also require your approval of the estimate before making any billable changes. To ensure the security of your database and the Trilogy servers, users are not granted access the servers or to make changes to the database schema. We also encourage our customers to leverage us as Consultants. If you are going to make a change that would negatively affect the database or could be handled more efficiently, we are here to help you make the right types of changes.

How do I import data?

Web-based applications do not offer the end-user an import function. Files can be submitted to Trilogy through our Customer Support Portal or by e-mailing the file in Text Delimited, Excel or ACT! Backup format to Import ready files, meaning the import file can simply be imported without additional formatting, do not incur billable service time.

What if we want to setup our own server?

Many of our customers stay with us for years, some sign on for a few months. If you are growing into your solution, and don’t have the resources now, Trilogy’s hosting allows you to get up and running quickly. When you do get your internal server in place, we can help get you setup. The setup services are billable at Trilogy’s normal billable rate of $150/hour. Trilogy will provide an estimate for the Setup fees prior to your move. We do ask for written notification of cancellation 30 days in advance of your next Quarterly renewal. At the end of your Hosting Agreement, we backup your database and make a download of your files available via secure download service.

What are the machine requirements in order for me to install ACT!?

Be signing this agreement or moving forward with any ACT! implementation, take a moment to review the machine requirements at It is understood that by signing this Agreement you have verified that your machines and systems are compatible with the minimum requirements.