Company Field Alignment Fix

Have you ever bought something new and you just love it?  Then you notice this one flaw that catches your eye?  From that moment on that flaw is this annoyance you just can’t disregard.  Well, we were right there with you when Sage ACT! 2011 was released.  Packed with so many great new features that were obviously based on things we the users asked for.  Love it.  Still love it, but that Company field! 

Yeah, it drove us crazy too.  You are working with your Contacts, glance down at the Company field and, what?  I can only see the last few letters of the Company’s name.  Annoying right? 

In case you haven’t heard, it’s FIXED!  Sage released Hot Fix 5, and for me, it even though I’ve read the defect fix list a few times, the only one I know is that my Company names are now just as they should be.   Neatly aligned to the left. 

Sage ACT! 2011 Hot Fix 5 can be found here –  The Knowledge Base article contains a list of the resolved issues, instructions to install and a link to the Hot Fix.  Of course, if you need help you can always reach out by e-mailing