Entries by Michelle Scott

Sage ACT! E-marketing

If you work with us, you know we do not push products we don’t believe in.  If we haven’t tried it, used it, or received positive feedback about it we don’t sell it.  Sage ACT! E-marketing is one that if you aren’t using it, you probably should.  Almost daily we receive questions about how to […]

Beyond Meetings, Calls & Todo’s

One of the great things about ACT! is its flexibility.  You can tailor so much of the application to fit your process.  Yes, we know most people install it out-of-the-box and never even relable a single field.  (Shameless plug, we can help with that!)  One of the simple ways you can customize ACT! to your […]

Sage ACT! 2012 Road Show

Summer means sunshine, swimming pools, beach vacations, and . . . software previews.  Sage ACT! 2012 is coming to Columbus for a special preview prior to its release this Fall.  This year, we are happy to sponsor the Ohio edition of the Sage ACT! 2012 Road Show.  The ACT! 2012 Road Show is a great, FREE way […]

Export to Excel – Better than a Report

If you keep up, you’ll notice we love pointing out things that ACT! users don’t necessarily notice.  We get it, there are a lot of pretty buttons.  So many to click on, too many to know them all.  Well, we’ve tasked ourselves with keeping you in the know regarding the ones that can make your […]


It’s always fun to point out features in ACT! that we know a customer hasn’t noticed.   There is a little tab in ACT! that a lot of users overlook – the Relationships tab.  The obvious use is to track the basic Org Chart type information.  It’s a great place to relate managers to team members, sales […]

Copy a Contact

Have you ever needed to send the contact details of a record in ACT! via e-mail, but really don’t want to send a full vCard?  We may get a lead, for example, and want to keep our Inside Sales rep in the loop.  Rather than risk a finger strain and typing all of that information […]

An Easy way to Lookup

There are so many little gems in ACT! that even we think they are amazing when we find them.  This is one a customer showed me a few years back.  I use this constantly, and it’s one of the tidbits users love when we share.  Did you know you can right click in any field […]

How we ACT! – Don’t just jot it down

Sometimes, things that you do become so engrained in your work habit you don’t even think about them.  There are a few we thought might be helpful to our users.  We figured we’d share some of those from time to time in “How we ACT!”.  I admit that, for a while, some of the automation […]

Is your anti-virus the culprit?

As an ACT! Certified Consultant, you become thick skinned to the comment, “ACT! has really slowed down my machine.”  Or, “Since I loaded ACT!. . . “.  In most cases, it’s someone else in the sandbox, like your anti-virus software, picking on ACT!, poor little thing! 

Who have I touched?

A lot of my day is spent on the phone, talking to new people.  What a perfect fit for me, since I’m so good at talking and I generally love people, especially new ones!  Anyway, I do know my ACT! “stuff”, but as many professionals, it’s easy to let slip the practice of which I […]