Registering ACT!

The first time that you launch ACT!, you will be asked to register ACT! and then activate the software.

Please use the following steps to register the program:

Launch ACT! and go to the Help menu then select Register ACT!.  The ACT! Premium Registration and Activation Wizard – Welcome dialog box appear


If you are using the trial version, enable the I want to try ACT! before registering option click Next and ACT! will launch. Otherwise, click I have purchased ACT! and I am ready to register and click Next. The following Enter a Serial Number dialog box appear


Enter the serial number that came with you software. The serial number can be found on the back of the CD case. Click Next and the Select Registration Method dialog box appears.


Refer to the appropriate section below for your registration method.


Internet Registration

Enable the Register using the Internet option and click Next. The enter your information dialog box appears.



Enter the registration information. You must enter data into the fields marked by an asterisk (*). When complete, click Next

The following Completing the ACT! Premium Registration and Activation Wizard dialog box appears.


Click Finish to complete the registration and activation process. The Welcome to the ACT! Setup Assistant dialog box appears.